Saturday, December 14, 2013

Change, by the bag.

I shot school pictures at a local preschool recently.  Yup, I do that too.

You might think what I'm about to say is pandering or a flat out lie, but,
I love these kids.
For all the snot bubbles, screaming fits, flailing kids destroying my lights, getting punched, cleaning pee (or other) off of my backdrop, there are images like this one.  And, even when their photos are..."not so perfect", there are thankful parents that are just happy they have the opportunity to have photos of their 'baby'.

Hearing that it was "so hard to choose" makes me happy.  Personally, they're just as important as the pictures most would consider "keepers".  I always put those in with the proofs.  Really, 
who am I to tell a parent which picture of their kid is the cutest?

I often get calls about how long I will wait for someone to place an order -usually because they're waiting on their next paycheck.  Been there.  No problem.

Recently, I received an order for photos, paid in full, in change.  There was certainly a time I might have been annoyed, or even 'put out' by this.  
Today, I am humbled.  
There is a parent out there that may not have money in the bank to write a check.  This may be the contents of a jar with months worth of carefully saved spare change.  They even counted it correctly -to the penny -including tax.

This parent knows there will be few opportunities for her to get pictures of her kids.  She understands how this will effect her years down the road.  Grandkids on her knees, laughing at dad's goofy smirk and big ears.


I want to extend my gratitude to all of the families I work with that sacrifice precious time and money to contribute to their familys' heirlooms.  Photography is such a powerful medium.   There's nothing like passing 'that picture' in the hall, or flipping through those albums or shoe boxes full of photos.  It sparks conversation.  
It evokes emotion.  
Ask me how many times I've heard "We really need to have pictures done.  We hardly have any, and the kids are growing up so fast".  
Print those iPhone pictures.  Call me.  Call your other photographer friend.  
Just save the memories.

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